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SB4: Understanding the Bill and Why It’s Time for Change in TX-12

December 19, 20230
The Passage of SB4: A Closer Look

Senate Bill 4 (SB4), passed in Texas, has sparked significant controversy and concern among various communities. The bill enables law enforcement officers to inquire about the immigration status of anyone they detain or arrest, leading to fears of racial profiling and eroding trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve. Critics of SB4 argue that the bill goes beyond targeting undocumented individuals. It also places an undue burden on local law enforcement officers, compelling them to take on roles traditionally reserved for federal immigration authorities. This shift not only strains local resources but also diverts attention from community policing and local crime prevention efforts.2

Moreover, the enactment of SB4 risks creating a chilling effect in immigrant communities. There is a growing concern that individuals may avoid contacting law enforcement or seeking assistance in emergency situations due to fear of immigration inquiries and possible deportation. This scenario could lead to unreported crimes and victims left without recourse, ultimately undermining public safety. Furthermore, SB4’s broad enforcement scope has legal experts and civil rights advocates concerned about its implications for civil liberties. The bill’s provisions could lead to constitutional challenges, particularly regarding equal protection under the law and protection from unreasonable searches and seizures.2

In essence, SB4 represents a significant shift in Texas’ approach to immigration enforcement, one that could have far-reaching consequences for community relations, resource allocation in law enforcement, and the protection of civil liberties. Its implementation and the response from various communities and legal entities will be critical areas to watch in the coming months.2

(Click Here for SB4 Text)

The Negative Impact of SB4

Several key issues arise from the implementation of SB4:

  1. Racial Profiling: The bill’s broad scope raises concerns about racial profiling, particularly among the Latino community.1
  2. Community Trust: There’s a potential breakdown in trust between law enforcement and immigrant communities, which could hinder crime reporting and cooperation.1
  3. Legal and Ethical Concerns: SB4’s constitutionality has been questioned, with lawsuits filed arguing that it violates basic rights and protections.1

Campaign Stance Against SB4

As a candidate for TX-12, my stance on SB4 is clear and firm. Our campaign vehemently opposes the bill for its discriminatory nature and the threat it poses to civil liberties. As a Mexican American and a veteran, I understand the importance of both protecting our borders and respecting the rights and dignity of all individuals. Our campaign advocates for:

  • Fair and Humane Immigration Reform:  Our campaign advocates for a comprehensive reform that addresses the root causes of immigration, streamlines legal pathways, and ensures fair treatment of all individuals.
  • Building Trust: Enhancing the relationship between law enforcement and the communities they serve is crucial.
  • Legal Fairness: Advocating for laws that uphold constitutional values and protect against discrimination.
  • Securing the Border: Advocating for a secure yet compassionate bi-partisan border policy, combining enhanced technology, streamlined legal immigration processes, and humane treatment of asylum seekers. Our focus is on realistic, effective border management that respects human dignity while addressing the crisis.

Uniting for Change in TX-12

The passage of SB4 is a stark reminder of the need for balanced and just leadership in Congress. As a middle-class, veteran candidate, I represent the change that Texas’ 12th Congressional District needs. It’s time to move away from extremist policies and towards a future where everyone, regardless of background, feels safe and respected. This election, we have the opportunity to bring real representation to our district. Let’s unite, irrespective of party lines, to fight back against extremism and advocate for laws that reflect our collective values and aspirations.

Join Our Campaign

I invite you to join our campaign as we fight for justice, equality, and true representation in TX-12. Together, we can make a significant impact and ensure that our voices are heard. It’s time for a veteran and a member of the middle class to represent us – a representative who understands the challenges we face and is committed to addressing them head-on.

Together, let’s bring real representation to TX-12.


  1. American Civil Liberties Union of Texas. (n.d.). Texas and New Mexico organizations condemn unconstitutional anti-immigrant [Press release]. ACLU Texas. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from
  2. The Texas Tribune. (2023, December 18). Abbott signs bills to create new crimes for illegal border crossing and build more border wall [News article]. The Texas Tribune. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from

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